Adri Yahdiyan

Java Batang Transparency 2021/22

Java Batang Supply Chain Breakdown Batang Coffee Farmers Sapta Wening Collective Pos Logistik Ontosoroh Batang Coffee Farmers Individual farmers collect coffee to Sapta Wening either in cherry or dry pods forms. In cherry, Sapta Wening will give value of Rp 5.000/kg and Rp Rp 30.000/kg for dried pods. Sapta Wening Collective Sapta Wening Collective, coordinated…


Toraja Buntu Ledo Transparency 2021/22

Toraja Buntu Ledo Supply Chain Breakdown Buntu Ledo Farmers Sipporannu Coop Pos Logistik Ontosoroh Buntu Ledo Farmers This year we source from 30 farmers, of which 7 of them are women farmers. Ontosoroh paid Rp 20.000 per liter of wet parchment (~18% MC) or Rp 22.000 per liter of dry parchement. Sipporannu Coop The Buntu…
